Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Assignment #8- Play

Set in Longstreet Theater on November 14, 2010, Big Love is a play based on Aeschylus' Suppliant Women, which is one of the oldest recorded dramas.  This story is about 50 sister brides who leave their 50 brother grooms on the day of their wedding and flee for Italy.  The inclusion of music, lights, dance, and movement, the play Big Love allows for the ideas from Suppliant Women to become integrated in a more interesting way.  A theater-in-the-round, Longstreet Theater is provided an interesting way for the audience to experience the show.  The actors had to play to both sides, since the audience sits on both sides of the stage.  I really enjoyed this different type of stage because it allowed me to watch a play in a way that I had never done so before as well as see the reaction of other audience members.  This was especially enjoyable during the scenes that involved dancing and fighting.  Also, the simplicity of the set with the combination of the lights and sound provided the mood of each scene to be shown through the actors performance.  During this performance, it was easy to see what the director was trying to get across.  Taking one of the oldest dramas and connecting it with music that is both rock and opera inspired allowed for an enjoyable experience that was successful not only by the director, but also the actors and actresses.  This play also provided variety through the different types of music in combination with the dance and fighting scenes.  Balance and symmetry was also evident in the combination of the simple sets and costumes of the performers.  Having the opportunity to watch this play allowed for me to see the evolution of a play into a modern light as well as have an enjoyable experience while doing so. 

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