Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Assignment #9- Concert

On October 19, 2010 at 7:30pm, I was able to experience the USC Symphony Orchestra at the Koger Center.  During this time I had the opportunity to hear the melodic music of Wendy Warner, one of the world's leading cellists.    Not only was I able to listen to her performance, but I was also able to experience a piece from the Symphony Orchestra by William Schuman and Robert Schumann.  This symphony celebrated 100 and 200 years of the composers' births and I was able to see the etiquette that was displayed through the conductor as well as those included in the symphony.  The orchestra sits in a semi-circular fashion on a proscenium stage and all face the conductor.  In this order, they are organized by the type of instrument they play.  The arrangement uses a form of rhythm and variety that allows for different instruments to play at different times and then eventually all come together.  This was a first time experience for me and I had no idea of what went into an orchestra.  During the performance with Wendy Warner, the cello seemed to be the main instrument through her 'solo' as well as the other cellists in the performance.  This showed emphasis and the focus on the instrument of the cello.  The mood of the art of the symphony was a variety of symphonic melodies that were soothing and calming as well as those that were more climatic.  Although I feel that this work of art was successful by the audience's reaction, it was definitely not one of my favorites.  I am more of a visual person and watching a performance that provided only an audio experience did not satisfy my enjoyment.  I do however, enjoy watching films that include symphony music.

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