Sunday, October 3, 2010

Assignment #5- Dance

I feel as though people dance for many reasons.  Growing up dancing since I was two, I danced for enjoyment.  Social interactions, to exercise, to relieve stress, etc. are many reasons people partake in dancing.  I dance for the fun of it.  I love learning new steps and connecting with music.  Over the years, I danced with many of my friends and to exercise or stay in shape.  When I see someone dancing on a stage or floor, many ideas go through my mind.  Sometimes, thoughts go through my mind about wishing I could dance like others.  Although I was involved in ballet growing up, now I wish I could be as graceful and elegant as I move across the floor like ballerinas do.  My favorites types of dancing are shagging, jazz, and hip-hop.  Growing up, those types of dancing were my favorite.  I also enjoy tap and clogging as well.  I think that a dance is good if they dancer connects with the music and looks as though he/she is having a good time.  Dancing is one of my favorite things to do in my spare time and I really enjoy watching shows and others dance.

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