Saturday, September 4, 2010

Assignment #2- Aesthetics

1.  I feel as though aesthetics are the relationships or understandings we have of an experience.  This can occur by experiencing through our five senses.  Whether it be seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, or smelling, an aesthetic experience is one that has a deeper meaning.

2.  Extending fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration are a few aspects that combine to allow for creativity.  This can also be seen through synectics, S.C.A.M.P.E.R., and guided imagery.  Fluency is to generate many ideas.  This can be taken a step further with flexibility.  The ability to generate many ideas as well as see ideas from many different perspectives allows for flexibility.  When an idea is unusual or different it is seen as originality.  Also, by elaborating the ideas you can allow for extension to occur.  Combining all of these steps will allow for creativity to take place.

3.  Practical Experience: Laying down to sleep after a long day.  

     Aesthetic Experience: As I fall into bed after a long day of work and school, I lay my head down on a pillow that is as soft as a marshmallow.  When I pull the covers over my body, it's like being covered by the clouds as a drift away into a restful nights sleep.

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