Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Assignment #1- Biographical Statement


My name is Lauren Kuykendall and I am a Senior Early Childhood Education major at USC!  I took ARTE 520 last semester and really enjoyed it!  In this class I was able to make some art using paint, cray pods, watercolors, etc.  I really enjoyed being able to create works of art that I will be able to use with my students in the classroom.  I also enjoy painting and drawing in my free time.  Through arts and crafts growing up, I have grown up enjoying painting, drawing, and being creative!  I have been to some art museums through traveling to different countries and places with my family.  Last January I had the opportunity to experience "Wicked" for a birthday present.  This is the only play that I have seen and I loved every minute of it!  On the topic of dance, I have been dancing since I was three years old.  Through tap, jazz, ballet, and hip hop, I have been able to experience many different types of dance as well as see dance performances by other dancers.  I learn the most when the topic is interesting to me.  I like to be actively involved in learning through experiences.  I am taking this class because it is a requirement for my major, but hope to see it as more than that.  When thinking of an experience when I have been moved, would take me back to the play "Wicked".  Experiencing a broadway play was a remarkable experience.  I am inspired when I enjoy what I am engaging in and have a purpose or a goal.  I think that movies, video games, and comics are works of art.  I would not be able to create or have a vision for many of the entertainment aspects that are involved in the process of making any of those items.  I think that just like beauty, good art is in the eye of the beholder.  Personally, I think that good art is a piece of work that explains the hard work and passion that the artist has put into it.  When debating good music with friends, I believe that good music is one that has a purpose and when the artist is passionate about the piece of work, just like art.  The best movie that I have seen recently would be "Inception".  It is a movie that really makes you think while watching it.  This makes the movie more enjoyable when you are trying to figure it out.  I think that an art film is a film that targets a specific audience while expressing the views of the director.  Also, I have many different types of music on my ipod.  From country to movie soundtracks, I enjoy almost any song that has a purpose and great lyrics!  I hope to explore these areas of art more deeply and get a better sense of many different types of art!